Farm Stands & CSA Pickups

We strive to grow produce that is culturally appropriate to all members of the communities we serve, and to locate our Community Farm Stands where access to affordable fresh food is limited.

Customers are encouraged to participate in cooking demonstrations, recipe sampling/tastings, making bike-blended smoothies, fitness classes, or other educational activities that might be happening in conjunction with the Farm Stands.  We hope to see you there!

Community farm stands provide access to our fresh, organically grown produce throughout the summer and fall. Purchase of items at the farm stand is “by suggested donation,” enabling those that can support the farm to do so, but encouraging others to participate at a level that suits their needs. Our farm stands accept SNAP/EBT benefits and double the value of SNAP purchases of produce through Double Up Food Bucks Colorado (that means SNAP customers get half-price)!



Denver Green School Community Farm (DGS)


DGS Farm Stand

Wednesdays 4–6pm | August 7 - October 23

The farm stand is open to everyone and prices are by suggested donation. It is located at the corner of the Denver Green School parking lot from mid-August to Halloween. SNAP/EBT accepted and SNAP customers receive half price on produce through the Double Up Food Bucks program. Farm-fresh veggies, fruit, herbs, eggs, flowers, honey, and more sold at suggested prices support healthy food access for the community.

DGS CSA Pickup

Wednesdays 4–6pm | June 12 (excluding June 19) - October 16, 2024

The CSA pickup is for CSA members only. Come grab your shares every week on the farm under the big blue tent in the SE corner of the schoolyard. Please be sure to let Farmer Lauren know ahead of time if you need your share set aside for pickup after 6pm.

Find DGS

6700 E Virginia Ave, Denver, CO 80224

Parking is on the street along Virginia Avenue or Niagara Street, or in the parking lot of BMH-BJ Synagogue off of Niagara St. 

The farm is located in the SE corner of the schoolyard. From Virginia Ave, walk across the playground to arrive at the farm.  From Niagara St, enter school grounds through the garden gate at the SW corner of the school building, and walk across the community/school garden to arrive at the farm.  You’ll find us by the big blue tent. 

Farm Manager: Carly Zimmerman


Mountair Park Community Farm (MAP)


MAP Farm Stand and CSA Pickup

Mountair Park Community Farm will look a little different in 2024 - after a decade of food production in Lakewood, Sprout City Farms is temporarily pausing daily farm operations for one season. After ten growing seasons, both our fields and our neighborhood are different than they used to be, and our team is dedicated to giving some extra TLC to both.

But don’t worry, you can’t get rid of us that easily! We will still be present on the farm and around the neighborhood, with the intent to cultivate opportunities for you to help us on the farm and provide insight to what the future of MAP can be. We will continue collaborating with the City of Lakewood, as well as expanding our partnerships with nearby schools, neighborhood organizations, and food access coalitions. 

In 2024, we will be hosting Andrea’s No-Cost Market from May - September! Come pick up free food, 2nd and 4th Wednesdays from 2-4pm. Dates are posted on our calendar.


Find MAP

The Mountair Park Community Farm is located in the southern portion of the park at 5620 W. 14th Ave. Lakewood 80214.  Because it can be hard to find the farm from the Mountair Park parking lot (where most map apps will send you), please use the address below to navigate to the building across the street from the farm site.

Parking is along Depew St or in the park’s parking lot off of 14th Ave. 

From Depew St, walk down the hill and you will see the farm at the corner of 13th & Depew.  From the Mountair Park parking lot, follow the sidewalk down the hill and you will see the farm’s “lower field”—continue on the path as it curves to the East and you will see the farm’s “upper field” located at 13th & Depew St. 

5600 W 13th Ave, Lakewood, CO 80214

The Farm at Jack’s Solar Garden (JSG)

JSG CSA Pickup

Thursdays 2–6pm | June 6 - October 17, 2024

The CSA pickup is for CSA members only. Come grab your shares every week under the tent inside the farm off of N 95th St. Please be sure to let Farmer Liza know ahead of time if you need your share set aside for pickup after 6pm.

Find JSG

Jack’s is located at 8102 N 95th St in Longmont, along the east side of North 95th. If you approach the farm from the south, it will be easier to turn right onto the property. Once you make the turn into the driveway, continue through the gate where you will see space for parking and signs directing you to our tented pickup area. Please drive slowly entering Jack’s Solar Garden. The farm has residents, guests, staff, dogs and chickens moving freely about, and we want all beings to be safe and at ease.

“Sprout’n About” —Veggie Bike Farm Stands

Our mobile e-bicycle-powered farm stands are coming to more places in the Mountair Park and Denver Green School communities! Join the Community Advisory Boards in 2024 to help us determine what locations are best for your neighborhood!